Partnership Program Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Ambassador Terms”) apply to the promotion of HeyGroup LLC (“HeyGroup” or “us”) by individuals or businesses to encourage sign-ups of the HeyGroup app (the “App”). By participating in HeyGroup’s Partnership Program, you accept to be subject to the Partnership Terms and Conditions.
1. Partnership Program
The Partnership Program is run by HeyGroup to spread the word about using the App, driving sign-ups with the goal of making it easier for groups to get together in real life. From time to time HeyGroup will contact you to take part in campaigns it’s planning to run and if you choose to take part you will receive the compensation for fulfilling the deliverables under the campaign timeline. Each offer for you to take part in a campaign will include details of the deliverables, completion timeline, and related compensation if you choose to take part.
2. Compensation
For your participation in HeyGroup’s Partnership Program You will receive the compensation detailed as follows: After You have reached the minimum of 25 sign ups* based on referrals, You have given to HeyGroup using the Partnership’s unique specified Referral Code**, HeyGroup will pay based on the following tiers:
25 Sign Ups $125
50 Sign Ups: + $125, making $250 total
75 Sign Ups: + $125, making $375 total
100 Sign Ups: + $125, making $500 total
Payment will be made via a prepaid debit card within 30 days after a tier is reached. You will continue to receive a $125 prepaid debit card for every incremental tier You achieve. For example, You might have 25 MAU after 4 weeks and will receive $125, then 6 weeks later You might have 50 MAU, at that time we will send You another $125 and so on. The Agreement expires three (3) months after sign up. The maximum that will be paid as part of this Agreement is $500, irrespective of how many users You have referred or how long such users have remained on the HeyGroup App.
*A Sign Up is a person that creates an account on the app using your Referral Code, and either creates a group or joins a group. We reserve the right to only pay for real users and not bots or users gaming the system in some way Note: a Sign Up cannot be claimed by two different Partners.
**Referral Code will be generated when You first sign up for HeyGroup and can be found on the Referrals page in the app. Note: We will reach out to get your referral code for reporting purposes.
3. Use of Content and Intellectual Property
Content. You will be creating all of the content for your social media, which might include photography, video clips, written text, dialogue, or any other creative expression. Other than the HeyGroup content that we provide or our name and logo, you agree that all content created is original, or is used with full permission of the owner of the rights, so that use of the content (either by you or by us) will not violate anyone’s intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy. You agree that the HeyGroup content will remain ours, and we agree that your content will remain yours.
Use of your content. HeyGroup has the limited irrevocable right to use and display your name, image, and content created under the Partnership Program in perpetuity on our own social media accounts, webpages, in other marketing materials, or use for our business records so long as attribution is provided to you.
You must comply with the following in connection with your posts if you upload images, write comments, or texts or interact with the HeyGroup community:
Always upload only your own photos and with the full consent of additional people in the photo.
Never get “fake” likes and interactions from purchased Instagram providers.
Follow the law. No sexual content, child abuse, drugs, weapons, violence.
Keep a sober tone and show respect for HeyGroup's brand.
Do not spread “misleading information”.
Use of HeyGroup materials. HeyGroup grants you a limited, sublicensable, nonexclusive, revocable, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, distribute, and digitally display HeyGroup’s name and logo only to the extent necessary to perform the services under the Partnership Program and only in a manner that has been approved by HeyGroup. You will follow any usage guidelines provided by HeyGroup. In the event HeyGroup determines in its sole discretion that any use by you violates HeyGroup guidelines or places HeyGroup or related businesses in an unfavorable light, you will cease any such use of content immediately if requested by HeyGroup.
Goodwill. You recognize that your reputation and goodwill are essential to our brand. If, at any point during or after the Ambassador Program, you become involved in or associated with any crime or scandal, or any situation that would cause our association with you to have a negative impact on HeyGroup, you agree to promptly remove any posts or content related to HeyGroup from any sites or accounts you control, at our request.
4. Compliance with Laws
You and HeyGroup agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in the course of fulfilling yours and our obligations under these Partnership Terms. You acknowledge and agree that you shall comply with the following requirements:
All content and postings by you under the Partnership Program will be in full compliance with:
all the rules of the platform that they are posted on (for example Instagram);
U.S. law, regulation, and the requirements of all applicable governmental agencies, including but not limited to, FTC Guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising; and
best practices for disclosure of your relationship with us, even where there may be space limitations.
You will ensure the disclosures are clear, prominent, and in close proximity to the content. You agree to be responsible for understanding and abiding by the most up-to-date version of any applicable rules, regulations, or guidelines.
5. Duration and Termination
These PartnershipTerms are effective when you join the Partnership Program and continue until you no longer participate in an active campaign under the Partnership Program or HeyGroup notifies you that you are no longer part of the Partnership Program.
6. Confidentiality
You and HeyGroup agree to keep these Partnership Terms, its contents, and communications in furtherance of these Partnership Terms strictly confidential (“Confidential Information”). Neither you or HeyGroup shall share or use the Confidential Information for any purposes other than to fulfill yours or our obligations under these Partnership Terms. Unauthorized disclosure by one party of the other party’s Confidential Information will give rise to irreparable injury to the other party inadequately compensable in damages. Accordingly, the parties agree the non-disclosing party shall be entitled to injunctive relief against the breach or threatened breach, in addition to any other legal remedies which may be available.
7. Liability
You are solely responsible for any violation of platform rules (such as Instagram's rules and guidelines) as well as applicable law. HeyGroup shall not be liable for such violations, and any fine, compensation, or similar cost arising from your non-compliance with applicable rules and guidelines will be imposed solely on you, including fines and damages claims that may be directed to HeyGroup.
8. General Provisions
Independent Contractor. For all purposes of these Partnership terms, you are an independent contractor and not an employee, partner, joint venture, or agent of HeyGroup. You are solely responsible for all taxes and withholdings in connection with any compensation provided by HeyGroup.
Governing law and venue. These Partnership Terms are exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in New York, New York.
Survival. Any provision and any other right or obligation of the parties in these Partnership Terms that, by its nature, should survive termination of these Partnership Terms, will survive any such termination.