Community Engagement Rules
We want to help you do more of what you love to do with your people. Through HeyConnect you can communicate with, make plans and develop deeper connections with your friends, family and other HeyConnect users.
At HeyConnect, we're providing a mobile app for you to connect with your groups through in-person events and online chat. We believe by being more connected you and your community will be stronger, happier, and healthier.
We need some rules though to ensure the HeyConnect service is not abused or used for illegal and/or harmful purposes.
These Community Rules outline what is and isn't acceptable when using HeyConnect. While they are meant to serve as a code of conduct, we recognize that everyone is different. Please consider these guidelines that will continue to evolve over time.
We expect everyone on HeyConnect to conduct themselves in a way that is safe, respectful, and inclusive of others. We expect the content and experiences shared through HeyConnect to be constructive, and always stay within the local governing law.
Please contact us at contact@heygroup.com
Child Safety
HeyConnect is deeply committed to child safety and we do not tolerate content or behaviour that exploits, endangers, or harms children in any way. We will report any illegal or potentially illegal content of this sort to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) for referral to law enforcement authorities. Associated account information may also be shared in compliance with the law.
share any content that depicts, praises, or references minors in a sexually explicit, sexualized, sexually suggestive, or exploitative manner. This includes self-generated content;
request, trade, sell or offer to share any content that depicts nude imagery or the sexual exploitation of minors;
knowingly expose minors to sexually-explicit content;
coerce or groom minors into sexual or exploitative acts, or facilitate real-world sexual encounters with minors;
share content or organize activities that encourage the physical or emotional abuse, neglect or endangerment of minors.
Based on Trust
HeyConnect groups are intended to support existing groups that consist of known people with existing relationships. We do however have to trust the information that is shared.
create an account and content that falsely impersonates another individual, business, brand, or entity.
attack the platform's integrity or security in any way;
mislead or deceive others through scams, financial frauds, Ponzi schemes, phishing, malware links, or unauthorized account access;
conceal an event's true purpose in order to deceive participants
share manipulated content that may cause confusion, harm, or incite unrest or violence.
No illegal or unlawful activities
HeyConnect adheres to local governing laws and regulations and we expect people to follow those as well. We may report illegal activity to local authorities in compliance with applicable laws.
Share content that violates someone's copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights.
promote the use of illegal drugs or controlled substances, or provide instructions on how to get intoxicated;
use HeyConnect to trade, buy or sell drugs, controlled substances, regulated goods, or illegal items such as pharmaceuticals, alcohol, cigarettes, weapons, counterfeit items, hacking codes, or stolen goods;
Share content that seeks offers or promotes human, organ, wildlife, weapon or any other forms of trafficking;
promote or facilitate services that you do not have the required license to perform or services that are illegal to promote in your jurisdiction;
use HeyConnect to organize, coordinate, or plan any illegal or criminal activity.
Enforcing our Community Rules
Each time you access or use HeyConnect, you agree to adhere to both our Community Rules and Terms of Service. We enforce these agreements through a combination of technology and human moderation.
These decisions may sometimes include removing content, as well as restricting or banning accounts with severe or repeated violations. These actions may escalate for people who attempt to circumvent enforcement measures by creating multiple accounts, re-uploading previously moderated content, or evading blocks from the community. Further, when we become aware of an account that we reasonably believe belongs to someone under age 13, we will remove that account.
If you believe someone has violated our Community Rules or other terms please contact us at contact@heygroup.com. We will review the matter and determine if there has been a violation. However, to maintain the privacy of individuals, we will not always be able to relay our decision back to you.