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User Guides

Hey User Guide
An overview of the key features and screens in Hey
We're continually working to make the app super intuitive - but until then, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions and common issues.
Home Page

My Profile
Access to notification preferences, log out, preferred payment method for split expense, help center, and contact us.
Toggle between all the communities that you are a member of. Includes your own "My Community".
Feed Posts
Post announcements or updates to your group or event members.
Launch Button
Click on the button to post an announcement, create chat, create a new group, enter a split expense, post a new poll, or create a new event.
The navigation bar allows you to switch between the calendar, chat, and activity views.
Smart Alerts
Receive reminders and updates in your feed based on the groups and events you are a member of.
Groups Page

Groups, Discover or Directory
Toggle between view of the groups you are a member of, or all the people in your community, or find new groups that have been flagged as discoverable.
Group Details
Click on the group to see all the group information and access group services, such as members, group events, group announcement, and group chat.
Calendar View

Event Card
Summary of the event, status, and responses. Click on the event card to view all event details.
Click on filter to view hidden events only. User can choose to hide events so that they do not appear in the upcoming view.
Event Reply
Click on "Reply" to respond to an event.
View Type
Switch between upcoming (all future events), All (all future events and hidden events), and Past (all events in the past).
Event View
Event Details
Here you will find useful information about the event, such as date/time, address, description, and any announcements
Calendar Link
Click on the icon to add the event to your iPhone or Android calendar.
Group and Event Chat
Click on the event to access the event chat, and click on group to access the group chat channel.
NOTE : Invited members and those who have responded No are not included in the event chat by default. They can join manually by clicking on the event chat icon.
SMS Blast
Use this to send an SMS to select members as a nudge to respond, or to share more details.
Event RSVP
The button shows your current RSVP status, click to update.
Event Share / Invite
Here you will find options to invite people from contacts, or share the event link. There may be restrictions set by the admin.

Group View
Group Invite Links
You can use the share link icon to copy the link and send to a new member to join, or add contacts to add new users to the group from your contacts.
Group Chat
Clci here to access the group chat channel.

Group Restriction Lock
The lock indicates whether the group is restricted or not. Restricted groups require admin approval for new members to join.
Group Reference Links
Use edit group to add URL links to your group details that group members can use as a shortcut to web sites or cloud files.
Group Events
Here you will find a list of upcoming and past events for your group.